Cosplay Shopper Blog

Tattoos in the Cosplay World

When you ask someone what they think the most important part of a good cosplay is, the answer won’t always be the same. For some people the goal is to experience being someone else for a day, some people praise immaculate craftsmanship over all else, and others want to get as close to being the physical representation of that character as possible. With tattoos and piercings rising in popularity and public acceptance in recent years, cross-over with the cosplay community is to be expected; how does a person with visible body modifications go about cosplaying? Some people go the route of choosing costumes that will obscure any tattoos or using makeup to cover up. Piercings have the advantage of being removable for photo shoots and convention days. Some people will be selective about which characters to cover up for and which might go well with a little bit of extra ink.

vera-baby from DeviantArt as Misty from Pokemon

So what about the people that don’t think that their tattoos take away from their cosplay and accept them simply as a part of their body? Is it lazy to not make an extra effort to closer resemble a character? The best aspect of being a cosplayer is being a part of a community that genuinely believes that having fun and expressing your love for a character or show or video game is the root of why we all do it! Just in the same way that you don’t have to be born with the same gender, body type, or eye color as the character you cosplay as, it’s what you bring to the character that makes it unique. We found some inspiring photos of cosplayers proudly wearing their tattoos! Tell us what you think about body mods in cosplay!

Aerithflowergirl5678 from DeviantArt as Tifa from Final Fantasy 7