Cosplay Shopper Blog

What World Do You Belong? Human or Demon.

If you want to feel more excited and have more fun with a new twist, why don’t you try to cosplay other characters found in the anime series called Demon King and Hero also known as Maoyu or Archery and Hero. This light novel series will surely improve your creativity when it comes to cosplaying. Be excited as you begin to unravel the mystery as to how all the parties involved would end the war and start peace and tranquility in a world filled with hatred and pessimism. The Human warrior is known to be the greatest warrior in the human race whereas the Demon realm also joins the Humans to be able to successfully bring back the prosperity and peace to all the sovereignty why don’t you try to cosplay other characters in the series. Chief Maid is the most trusted servant and commander in the army of the Demon King. She isn’t afraid at all to express her opinions and her viewpoints even before her master and make unflattering remarks to her master as well. Despite of her inconsistencies and flaws, she remained ever so faithful and loyal to her master time immemorial ever since they were young children. The female Knight is also a character and one of the member of the Hero’s society who is a very powerful swords-woman. She always excels in all her battles as a commander. She was able to join forces with the Hero in an accident which surprised them since all of them never heard from the Hero since he left. The female Knight joins the Crimson’s Scholar’s efforts to be able to improve Human Society by doing her part as an effective teacher in terms of swordsmanship to all of her students. The Female Knight and the Crimson Scholar both became close friends and they stayed in each other’s side even after learning about their true identities. She viewed her rival like a hero’s affection as she also has feelings and love for him. The other characters are the two sisters named Little sister and Big sister Maid. Both sisters took refuge at the estate of the Crimson Scholar. The sisters came from a family of seven siblings and most of them die from severe hunger and disease due to poverty. They experience a harsh life due to their serfdom experiences and the lords treated them as slaves. The escaped and tried their luck to be able to get a better life in the city. They had a hard time redeeming themselves because they always both bad luck and trouble in the Crimson Scholar to the Chief Maid. They were considered like bugs for allowing harsh and troublesome fate, they asked the help of the Chief Maid for them to become like proper humans and they in turn became assistant maids who worked with proper training. They were given proper education. Big Sister Maid had knowledge of different lives and social classes of the human society. Little Sister Maid of the other hand became an expert on food and drinks.